Helikopter Helikopter

Cultural Magazine

Creative Arts Centre

Run away and join the circus. Get a tattoo, hop a train. Plant a garden and save the seeds. Get married, have kids, wear a hat. Get good with a bullwhip. Don’t lie, don’t cheat, don’t steal. Everyone must put beans on the table. Be devoted to the unification of the diverse aspects of yourself. Remember, most of what is essential is invisible to the eye. The quality of time you spend with someone far outweighs the quantity.
Tom Waits

At the start up, that is since 2003, the Helikopter was published in a form of a printed magazine and slowly moved into the virtual sphere. It is a unique and a mysterious place where its editor – Krzysztof Śliwka – invites various authors to share their works with the readers.

Helikopter is a supplementary to the Creative Arts Centre’s work connected with the visual and music area. It is yet another communication channel of our institution that helps building artistic and intellectual sensitivity both the course participants and the wider circle recipients. It is a limitless and unique space focused on word and its many personifications. All texts are published in Polish.

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