Günter Heinz & Shepherds of Cats & VJ Pietrushka

Günter Heinz

Günter Heinz, born in Zeitz (formerly GDR), studied mathematics and music. Since 1987 he has been working as a freelance musician focusing mainly on contemporary compositions and improvisation. Between 1992-93 he worked as guest composer at the Electronic Studio of the Musikakademie Basel. He has participated in some of the most important music festivals in Berlin, Leipzig, Dresden, Moskau, Stavanger, Genf, Antwerp, Madrid, Barcelona, Rümlingen … His compositions has been performed in Moscow, Madrid, Florida, Malta, Japan … He collaborated with Thomas Kessler, Art Clay, Gunnar Kristinsson, Andre Bartetzki, Kent Carter, Bill Elgart, Lou Grassi, Fred Van Hove, Veryan Weston, Malcolm Goldstein, Pavel Fajt, Vitor Joaquin, Gabriel Shalom, Urs Leimgruber, Günter Baby Sommer and many others. He is one of the founders of blaueFabrik Dresden. Since 2006 he has composed and performed several concerts for church bells.

Günter Heinz
Günter Heinz


Shpeherds of Cats

The Shepherds of Cats formed in early 2014, and had an instant and strong understanding. Their attention to detail is impeccable and have created a deep trust to support each other in the most obscure and ridiculous tangents. Using improvisation as their working method, they create sonic stories and worlds, drenched in incredulity at their own existence, exploring the outer limits of good taste and pushing the limits of what should be considered acceptable. Their compositions are created in real time. They are hunter gatherers – hunting and gathering sounds and re-appropriating them in sometimes inappropriate manners. They have shame but no ego.


VJ Pietrushka (Maciej Piątek)

Maciek Piatek is a Polish video artist based in the UK. He has been working mainly on his own experimental video projects & short films but also collaborating with various local and international musicians, exploring closely improvised and electronic scene.
His films has been screened & exhibited both nationally and internationally in places such as: Art Gallery of SESI-SP in Sao Paulo, Babylon Cinema in Berlin and ICA in London.


Forthcoming shows:

28.10 Phil Minton – koncert / Solo Festiwal
29.10 Phil Minton – warsztaty / Solo Festiwal
10.11 Günter Heinz & Shepherds of Cats, VJ Pietrushka – koncert
18.11 Richard Scott – koncert / Solo Festiwal
19.11 Richard Scott – warsztaty / Solo Festiwal
02.12 John Russell – koncert / Solo Festiwal
03.12 John Russell – warsztaty / Solo Festiwal